Covid-19 Assessment

(1) Questions are meant for Basic 4, 5 and 6 pupils
(2) Work out all questions on a new note book
(3) Attempt all questions

1. Add 16+12+4+8 A. 38 B. 50 C. 40 D. 25 E. 30
2. From 51, take 37. A. 18 B. 16 C, 24 D. 4 E. 14
3. 25 x 19. A. 475 B. 425 C. 525 D. 375 E. 455
4. 1728 ( 12. A. 114 B. 154 C. 108 D. 144 E. 134
5. What must be added to 249 to make 400? A. 51 B. 111 C. 151 D. 201
6. John was 25 years old in 1962. When will he be 52 years old?
A. 2014 B. 1989 C. 1974 D.1979 E.1984.
7. What number divided by 15 would give a quotient of 20?
A. 350 B. 600 C. 300 D.360 E.450
8. What is the smallest number that leaves a remainder of 5 when divided by either 12 or 16? A. 29 B. 21 C. 37 D. 101 E. 53
9. N115.56 ( 12. A. N11.63 B. N9.06 C. N9.63 D. N96.03 E. N9.33
10. From 5 km 324m, take 2 km 432 m. A. 2 km 892 m B. 2 km 108 m C. 2 km 756 m D. 2 km 802 m E. 3 km 892 m
11. A man’s step is 80 cm long. How many steps should he take to walk a distance of 2 km? A. 2050 B. 20 050 C. 25 000 D. 2 500 E 250
12. How many 20-gramme packets of powder can be made up from a bag weighing 1.2 kilogrammes? A. 600 B. 6 C. 60 D. 6000 E. 120
13. If a bus uses 4 litres of petrol in going a distance of 20 km, how far will 120 decilitres take it?
A. 120km B. 60km C. 1200km D. 600km E. 240 km
14. 0.05 of a sum of money is N1.25. What is 0.75 of the sum of money?
A. N18.25 B. N17.25 C. N18.75 D. N17.85 E. N15.75
15. The average of five numbers is 46. The average of the first two is 49, and the average of the last two is 43. What is the third number?
A. 65 B. 62 C. 53 D. 56 E. 46.
16. The perimeter of a square field is 360 metres. Find the area of the field in square metres. A. 3600 m2 B. 8 100 m2 C. 1296 m2
D. 32 400 m2 E. 90 000 m2
17. How many 25k stamps can be bought for N11.75?
A. 48 B. 37 C. 47 D. 51 E. 53
18. By what must 3.816 be multiplied to get 3 81.6?
A. 10 B. 100 C. 1000 D. 10 000 E. 100 000
19. A man bought oranges at 12 for N1.00, and sold them at once for 10k. What was his gain percent? A. 25% B. 15% C. 20% D. 10% E. 12%
20. A roll of cloth is 96 cm wide. What length of the cloth, in metres, must be bought to obtain an area of 48 square metres? A. 50 metres B. 20 metres C. 2000 metres D. 500 metres E. 5000 metres.
21. Write down the next two numbers in the following series. 184, 178, 172, 166.
A. 160,154 B. 162, 156 C. 164, 156 D. 161, 156 E. 159, 153
22. A car travels at a speed of 20 metres per second. What is its speed in kilometres per hour?
A. 60km/h B. 40km/h C. 66km/h D. 96km/h E. 72 km/h
23. A man borrows N20.00 and pays an interest of 50 k every six months. What is the rate of interest per cent, per annum?
A. 25% B. 20% C. 10% D. 5% E.50%
24. Nweke and Nwafor shared N840 in the ration of 3:4 How much did Nweke get? A. N420 B. N360 C. N480 D. N300 E. N320
25. A number of boys stands at uniform distances of 2.5 metres apart. If the distance between the first and the last boys is 50 metres, how many boys are there in the line? A. 20 B. 51 C.40 D. 25 E. 21
26. Ada went shopping with N8.50. How much had she left after buying 100 stamps at 3 k each, and 10 pencils at 25 k each?
A. N3.00 B. N2.50 C. N4.00 D. N2.00 E. N3.50
27. What must be added to 2/3 of N5.25 to make it N7.00?
A. N1.75 B. N3.50 C. N3.00 D. N2.75 E. N2.50
28. How long will food which 20 boarders eat in 3 weeks last 30 boarders? A. 6 weeks B. 4 weeks C. 3 weeks D. 2 weeks E. weeks
29. A boy was asked to multiply N2.50 by 40, but he multiplied N4.50 by 20 in error. By how much was his answer more or less than the correct answer?
A. N20 more B. N20 less C. N10 more D. N10 less E. N15 less
30. Write the prime numbers between 10 and 16.
A. 11, 13, 15 B.12, 14 C. 11, 12, 13 D. 11, 13 E. 10, 13, 16
31. By how much is the H.C.F. of 132 and 48 less than the L.C.M. of 6 and 8? A 10 B. 8 C. 12 D. 6 E. 16
32. The circumference of a circle is 132 cm. If 11 is 3 what is the diameter of the circle?
A. 60cm B. 42cm C. 66cm D. 49cm E. 56cm
33. The circumference of a wheel is 13.2 dm. How many revolutions will the wheel make to cover a distance of 1320 metres?
A. 500 B. 1000 C. 100 D. 5000 E. 2000
34. A man spent 85% of his money and had N30.00 left. How much had he at first? A. N300 B. N200 C. N100 D. N400 E. N150
35. Which is the greatest of these decimals? 0.1, 0.02, 0.003, 0.0004, 0.000 05. A.0.1 B.0.02 C. 0.003 D. 0.0004 E. 0.00005
36. If 2x 3 = 5, what is x? A. 4 B. 1 C. 2 D. 8 E. 3
37. If = what is x? A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8 E.10
38. + – x . A. B. C. D. E.
39. Emeka bought three sheets containing 100 five-kobo stamps each and fifty single two-kobo stamps. How much did he spend altogether?
A. N15.00 B. N12.50 C. N15.60 D. N10.20 E. N16.00
40. What percentage of N6.00 is N1.80?
A. 18% B. 30% C. 25% D. 6% E. 9%
41. By how much is 75% more than 1/2? Give your answer as a percentage. A. 15% B. 20% C. 25% D. 35% E. 45%
42. If I bought six pairs of sandals at N12.50 each, and gave out five N20 notes, how much change did I receive?
A. N10 B. N15 C. N25 D. N5 E. N20
43. How many hours are there, from 10.30 a.m. on Monday to 11.30 p.m. on Tuesday?
A. 24 hours B. 25 hours C. 35 hours D. 37 hours E. 48 hours

44. An examination started at 8.55 a.m. and ended at 11.15 a.m. How long was the examination?
A. 2h20min B. 2h50min C. 3h40min D. 1 h 55 min E. 3 h 5 min
45. A. B. 7 C. 1 D. E. 4
46. A man deposits N400 with a bank which pays 5% simple interest per annum. After how many years will the money in his savings account grow to N500?
A. 20 years B. 15 years C. 10 years D. 5 years E. 4 years
47. If 10 kilogrammes of sugar cost N12, how much will one decigramme cost? A. N120 B. N1.20 C. 012 K D. 1.2 K E. 0.12K
48. How many cups of water can fill a basin 40 cm long, 25 cm wide and 10 cm deep, if a cup holds half a litre of water?
A. 100 cups B. 50 cups C. 20 cups D. 40 cups E. 30 cups
49. 25 – 52 A. 0 B. 15 C. 7 D. 22 E. 25
50. If X2 + 9 = 25, what is x? A. 8 B. 4 C. 3 D. 5 E. 16

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