Basic 1 English Studiea

Underline the correct answer

1. My clothes is ___ (wet,met)

2. My brother is very _____(tall, ball)

3. I can write with my (pen, hen)

4. I can sleep on a ____(mat, fat)

5. Please _____ down(pit, sit)

6 .My mother cooks with____ (hot, pot)

7. I want to eat___(rice, rise)

8. I have ___ on my head (hair , air)

9. I use my eyes to ___(sea, see)

10. The ____ is a big water (tea, sea)

11. I like to eat ____ (yam, dam)

12. I have a big __  (bed, red)

SINGULAR.                    PLURAL

13. Bottle

14. Chair

15 .Car

16. Bed

17. Room

18. Hand

19 .Plate

20 .Spoon

Write 12 Words that begin with letter A, B and C

21 .A______

22. B_______

23. C________

24. A_______

25.  B_______

26. C_______

27. A______

28. B______

29. C_______

30. A_______

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